11 Premium Smartphones That You Can Get For A Penny Or Less
Not a big spender? No problem — Some of the best smartphones in the previous generation and some pretty potent current-generation smartphones are available for less than your two cents. On top of Apple's free iPhone 3GS, Amazon sells a number of completely adequate smartphones for $0.01 — making them the cheapest smartphones on the market.
Business Insider

Nokia Lumia 800
Nokia Publishes Lumia 800 'Making-of' Documentary
It's an eight-minute long clip discussing the decisions behind the company's "first Windows Phone", with Nokia calling it "as much a story about collaboration and taking risks as it is about design." Taking risks, indeed. It's a good watch regardless of your platform affiliation.

Mobile Carriers Look to Public Wi-Fi to Meet Consumer Data Demand
The Wireless Broadband Alliance is saying mobile operators are looking to public Wi-Fi hotspots to satiate our appetite for mobile data — despite massive investments and promotion of 4G networks. The WBA found that 47 percent of mobile operators surveyed believed further adoption of public Wi-Fi was "either very important or crucial" to keeping their customers happy, and that they hoped to combat increasing mobile data demand by offloading users to Wi-Fi, or with "pricing strategies" like the tiered data plans we're already seeing.
The Verge

BlackBerry Still Dominates The Battle of the Smartphone Brands in Canada
A new study called the “Mobil-ology Study of Smartphone, Tablet & eReader” was conducted by Ipso-Reid. Over an “eight month period between January and August of 2011″ they found that the top mobile brand in the Smartphone category is BlackBerry, followed by Apple, then a “variety of other handset brands using the Android platform”, such as Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola and Sony.