Survey Finds That 18% of Canadian Drivers Admit to Talking/Texting While Driving
A new survey has been released by insurance company Kanetix that reveals talking and texting while driving is still very prevalent. The survey was conducted between October 24th and October 26th of 1,344 Canadians and found that 18% of voters admitted to “Talking/Texting on my cell while driving”.

Nokia Lumia 800

Lumia Line to Get Nokia Drive Update, Fully Cuts the Network Cord
Since the announcement of the Nokia Lumia launch, Nokia Drive's been wrestled free from its polycarbonate chains, but the perks of being a Lumia owner are still incoming.

HTC Reportedly Tapped to Build Facebook Phone, Code-named ‘Buffy’
On Monday, AllThingsD said it has learned that Facebook is working closely with HTC on a new phone currently codenamed “Buffy.” The device will supposedly run a modified version of Android that, obviously, will put Facebook’s services smack in the faces of its users.

Apple on Track to Be the World’s No. 1 PC Vendor Next Year
Apple‘s long climb back from the margins of the PC industry will culminate in world domination next year, according to one researcher — but only if you consider the iPad a PC. Canalys is projecting that Apple will overtake Hewlett-Packard as the leading global PC vendor sometime before the second half of 2012.