Nokia Lumia 710 Now Shipping, Global Rollout Slated for 'Coming Weeks'
It's been a few months coming, but today, Nokia announced that its Lumia 710 handset has finally hit store shelves in Taiwan, ahead of its broader international release.

Samsung Galaxy S Glide

Rogers Samsung Galaxy S Glide Drops to $0.01 on a 3-year
Like touchscreens? Like slider QWERTY keyboards? Like Android? Like 3-year contracts? Rogers has dropped the price of the Samsung Galaxy S Glide to $0.01 today.

Which Smartphone Has the Best Camera?
Top of the line smartphone cameras now boast specs that rival compacts. The difference is that you get a phone thrown in for good measure and making the decision which one to buy is a difficult one, particularly for those not quite persuaded by the supposed 1080p and 8-megapixel goodness that all the top handsets declaim. As such it’s about time to pick the best of the bunch with a cameraphone shootout.

App Store Rewind: Apple’s Top Apps of 2011
Apple released the list of its best and most popular apps on Thursday. The App Store Rewind features 20 categories from Travel to Games, and names the top five apps of each category. This year the Rewind separated iPhone and iPad apps, with some of the apps overlapping.