Say Goodbye to Symbian, Say Hello to Nokia Belle
Symbian is already on its last legs as a mobile OS, now Nokia is giving it a bit of a kick while its down by ditching the name it grew up with and rebranding the latest version simply Nokia Belle.

Samsung Nexus S

Don’t Hold Your Breath For That Nexus S ICS Update — It’s Been Paused
Still anxiously sitting by your Nexus S, awaiting that Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) update that started rolling out a few days ago? According to a forum post by Google Community Manager Paul Wilcox, the company has paused the update in a number of regions while they “monitor feedback”.

LTE Pricing May Drop as Much as 60% by 2016
The monthly price we pay for 4G LTE data could drop drastically over the next five years. Currently, 4G LTE networks are blazing fast but there’s no doubt that the technology comes at a price. 4G LTE handsets sold directly by wireless carriers typically cost more than their 3G counterparts, and tiered 4G data prices are still a bit too costly for heavy data users looking to ditch their cable companies.

Google Now Activating 700,000 Android Devices a Day
If the success of Android is determined by device activations, Google is certainly the market leader. According to Andy Rubin, Google’s Director of Mobile Platforms, there are 700,000 unique Android activations every day.