The Future of Your Mobile Phone
"The mobile operator community is conventional. 99.9 per cent of their turnover, up until about three years ago, was purely consumer handset driven. From a growth point of view, now, they’re lucky if they get maybe 110 per cent but that is it. They can’t grow any further."

Samsung Galaxy Note

TELUS, Bell and Rogers Releasing the Galaxy Note February 14th for $249.99 on a 3-year
First out of the gate with the official release date and pricing is big box retailer Best Buy showing the Note will be available to the masses on Tuesday, February 14th for the 3-year contract price of $249.99. Best Buy also notes the Rogers logo on their info page, but doesn’t have any pricing info.

Motorola Announces New RAZR With an Unlockable Bootloader
On Monday, Motorola announced the RAZR Developer Edition on the company’s community blog. The device is essentially the same as the current RAZR, but with one special feature: an unlockable bootloader.

Samsung Is Spending Millions To Announce Its New Mystery Device During The Super Bowl
Samsung has a special promoted tweet running today that teases its upcoming Super Bowl ad. We've known the ad was coming for several weeks now, but today we learned that it will be used to unveil a new Samsung device.
Business Insider