Starbucks Has Processed 42 Million Mobile Payments
With stats like this, who needs NFC? I’m sure that’s what the executives at Starbucks are thinking as they announce the company has processed 42 million mobile payments since its US launch in January 2011. The service was expanded in November to include Canada and the UK, which have surely added quite a few of those (there is no breakdown by country, unfortunately).

Sony Xperia S

Sony Xperia S Heading to Canada on April 17th, Exclusive to Sony Stores
Still patiently waiting to find out when Sony's NXT child will hit Canadian shelves? According to the Japanese outfit, residents of the Great White North can finally expect the Xperia S to make a grand entrance on April 17th. The handset is set to be sold exclusively at Sony Stores around the country, but unfortunately, there's no word on how much it'll cost. That said, we do know that the 4.3-inch Gingerbread device will only be compatible with Rogers network, so Xperia lovers on Telus and Bell need not apply.

Why Mobile Ads in Emerging Markets are the Future
There are 5.3 billion mobile subscribers around the world, meaning 77% of the world’s population uses a phone. The majority of those users — 3.8 billion or 73% of the group — live in emerging economies. Yet mobile advertising dollars spent around the world do not begin to compete with traditional platforms or Internet ads. As the Internet spreads throughout the developing world, it’s arriving on phones before traditional computers. Some 70% of Internet users in Egypt, 59% in India, 57% in South Africa, 50% in Ghana and 44% in Indonesia get online via mobile phones alone.

Nokia Steps Up Big Time, Admits Trouble and Offers Fix for Lumia 900
As noted yesterday, Nokia Lumia 900 users were experiencing data issues in areas that they should have coverage. There were a couple of temporary fixes posted online to get around these issues. Today, Nokia stepped up to the plate and unlike a certain fruit company, admitted fault and offered a solution.