Nearly One Million iOS Devices Jailbroken Over Holiday Weekend
Absinthe 2.0, the untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5.1.1, has already been downloaded almost one million times. According to the Chronic Dev Team, 973,086 devices had been jailbroken as of Sunday evening, 211,401 of which were Apple’s newest iPad. The program, which was released to the public on Friday and runs on a computer connected to an iOS device, is compatible with A4 devices like the iPhone 3GS and iPad as well as A5 and A5X-powered devices such as the new iPad and iPhone 4.

iPhone 4

Samsung's 'Human Centric' Galaxy S III Launches Around The Globe, Says What Delays?
Despite carrier and retailer indications of delays for certain editions of Samsung's new Galaxy S III, the company triumphantly announced its launch right on schedule tonight. Of course, here in the US we're sadly on the outside looking in at the launch action going on in 28 countries as a new day dawns for the 29th, but at least there's rumblings that our localized editions aren't far off.

TELUS HTC Amaze Update To ICS “Now Expected End Of Week”
Last week TELUS posted news on their “OS Upgrade schedule” that the HTC Amaze 4G would be upgraded to OS 4.0 today. Members on our forum were keenly interested to get the big Ice Cream Sandwich, but unfortunately all users will have to wait a few more days.

Gartner: Over $172B In Mobile Payments In 2012; SMS, Web Most Popular Routes
No, NFC still hasn’t come to the iPhone — or many other devices, for that matter. But this does not appear to be stopping the momentum in the world of mobile payments. Research out today from Gartner says that this year will see more than $171.5 billion in mobile payment transactions — a rise of over 60 percent on 2011′s $105.9 billion — with 212.2 million people (up 32 percent from 160.5m in 2011) using some form of mobile payment service.