Samsung Galaxy S III Announced For Canada With 2GB Of RAM, 1.5GHz Dual-Core Processor
The Canadian variant of the Samsung Galaxy S III will scrap the quad-core Exynos processor found in the European version and instead feature a 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 processor. The Canadian handset, like the Japanese model, will also receive a RAM boost from 1GB to 2GB. It has already been confirmed that the Galaxy S III would be equipped with a dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor on U.S. carriers with 4G LTE networks.

Samsung Galaxy S3

Rogers To Increase Unlimited Value Plans By $2/Month On June 1st
Rogers Unlimited Value Plans will be increasing in price soon. Not the hugest hike, but spending any additional money, without getting additional value, always hurts a bit. Rogers states that effective June 1st “all Unlimited Value Plans will increase by $2/month. Customers will still be able to benefit from all the same great features like unlimited messaging and unlimited early evenings and weekends.”

Facebook Can't Have a Phone Until It Becomes an Operating System
One thing to realize about Facebook is that it is a platform. A platform allows developers and companies to build on top of it, build apps for it and interact with it through a variety of mediums. In that way, Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android are both platforms, but Android and iOS are also operating systems - complex sets of software that connect hardware to the platform. Facebook is a fine platform, but it is not an operating system. And that is going to make the company’s attempt at building a “Facebook Phone” extremely difficult.

Can Your Mobile Apps Be Trusted?
Mobile apps sure are handy little doodads, telling you what’s going on, where to go and who’s nearby. But can they be trusted with your privacy? Facebook and Google aren’t the only connected services that should have your privacy antennae up. The mobile devices that travel with you nearly everywhere also gather plenty of dirt — and you might be surprised who else has access to that dirt.