Samsung Canada Giving Away 3 Galaxy S III Devices
The Samsung Galaxy S III will be widely available in on June 20th, which is just over 2 weeks away. To keep the momentum high for this flagship Android device Samsung Canada has put together a pretty sweet contest. If you live in Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal you could win a ticket to their launch parties and rock out with Cobra Starship, Down With Webster, or the Sam Roberts Band.

Samsung Galaxy S3

HTC Officially A Maker Of PlayStation Certified Handsets, PlayStation Suite Is Now PlayStation Mobile
Thought Sony's E3 2012 presser would be about a next-gen console? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but that doesn't mean there's no news on the PlayStation front, as Sony's just informed the world that the PlayStation Suite has been renamed PlayStation Mobile. Not only that, but it's opening PS Mobile to third-party Android manufacturers, and as was rumored, HTC is the first handset maker not named Sony to get certified -- meaning that you'll soon be able to get your PlayStation on using the Taiwanese outfit's hardware.

Android Smartphone Sales Sink In U.S. For Fourth Consecutive Month
Research firm comScore on Friday released its latest U.S. numbers concerning mobile market share, and Asymco’s Horace Dediu noted on Monday that there may be trouble in paradise: the number of new users who purchased an Android smartphone has steadily declined in each of the first four months of 2012. Apple’s iPhone, on the other hand, has continued to grow year-over-year while Google’s Android operating system in April registered its slowest user growth since 2009.

Location Apps: 4 Privacy Settings You Need to Know
There are roughly 792 mobile apps downloaded each second. As a result, more and more services are taking to mobile in an effort to capitalize on this trend. That also means location-based capabilities and features are being integrated into many apps, whether users know it or not. You may be someone who takes personal and digital privacy matters very seriously, or you might be more relaxed about your digital information. Either way, there are four types of settings users can check to determine how much information they make available to the world.