Nokia 808 PureView Expected To Make US Debut
Nokia’s 808 PureView stunned audiences when it was announced at this year’s Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona — a smartphone with a 41-megapixel sensor was unheard of. The device has made launched in India and Russia but if recent Nokia teasers are to be believed, the device is set to make its US debut.
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Nokia Pureview 808

TELUS Making Changes To Prepaid Data On July 18th
TELUS Prepaid customers have been receiving text messages indicating that changes are forthcoming. “As of Jul 18 your data + msg 20 feature will include 100MB instead of 250MB. The price will reamin at $20/30days. Free TELUS msg. Then a following message stated “On Jul 18 the rate for exceeding your feature’s data limit will reduce from $3/MB to $1/MB. Only includes data. Free TELUS msg.”

Does Auto Layout In iOS 6 Mean A Larger iPhone Screen Is Coming?
The WWDC keynote came and went with nary a mention of a new iPhone, but that didn’t stop people from ruminating about Apple’s newest mobile juggernaut. Apple’s brass spent much of their time on-stage pulling back the curtains on the latest version of iOS, and now some are claiming that a fairly innocuous (albeit useful) new feature for developers means that an iPhone with a larger screen is barreling down the pipeline.

As Mobile Traffic Ramps Up, Hearst Looks to Monetize
Mobile traffic is booming at Hearst: Overall volume across its magazines’ websites is up nearly 2000% year-over-year, vastly outpacing global mobile traffic growth, according to internal measurements. But like Facebook and other digital publishers, the company is still looking for ways to monetize that traffic.