TELUS Releases The Bold 9900 In White
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 is still RIM’s best smartphone and it’s almost 1-year old. Clearly it’s certainly not the newest device on the block, but another colour is always welcomed. TELUS has released the 9900 in White and it can be yours for $99.99 on a 3-year, or ranges upward to $629.99 outright.

Blackberry Bold 9900 White

Nokia Lumia Devices Now Present In 54 Markets, 44 Percent Of Apps Available In China
In case you want to check Nokia's pulse amid a mixture of good news and bad news, the company's decided to dish out some new stats on its Windows Phones at the first-ever Mobile Asia Expo here in Shanghai. Asia region president Olivier Puech announced the Lumia devices are currently available in 54 markets worldwide, courtesy of over 130 operators and over 80,000 apps (though our friends over at All About Windows Phone said the marketplace broke the 90,000 barrier last month).

Ex-Googlers Launch MightyText, An iMessage For Android Users
During their lengthy careers at Google in both senior technical and product management roles, Maneesh Arora and Amit Sangani were able to geek out on products like AdSense, AdWords, and the now-defunct Google Health. Arora tells us that, while his time at Google was defined by smart people and ambitious ideas like these, in development there was often a tendency to “over engineer” without thinking about “the average user.” He said that, while Google employees always had Gchat open and used Google Voice (or Wave while it was still alive), none of these products were able to effectively address the true value prop of communication tools for a mainstream audience: Syncing.

Facebook Mobile Ads Earn 2.5 Times More Than Desktop Ads, Studies Find
Facebook‘s mobile ads are performing significantly better than its desktop ads, according to multiple studies released Tuesday. That’s great news for the social network and its investors, who have worried about the company’s revenue prospects as its 900 million-strong user base shifts more of its time to mobile devices.