Nokia Pushes Lumia 800 And 710 Update
Nokia today said that a system update for the Lumia 800 and Lumia 710 is now available worldwide. The update, first announced last week at a Microsoft event, does not change the system software to Windows Phone 7.8, but it does add several new and useful features. Once updated, both the 800 and 710 will be able to share internet connections with other devices via Wi-Fi. Mobile hotspot can support up to five other devices.

Nokia Lumia 800 and 710

TELUS Offering A $50 Credit To Customers Who Aren’t Able To Find A Galaxy S III
Samsung’s Galaxy S III launched today in Canada on basically every carrier. There has been “unprecedented global demand” for this device and it looks like those who didn’t pre-order or reserve might have to wait a bit longer. Retailers and carriers are experiencing shortages, or have already informed customers they are sold out. Yesterday WIND noted that the GS III would only be available to new customers as there was “limited quantities available.” Today, regional carrier SaskTel noted delays as shipments “are not expected to arrive in SK until tomorrow.”

iOS Users More Loyal To Apps Than Android
Good news has come to light for app developers: according to a recent study from Localytics, app retention rates are improving, increasing 19% over the last year. The analytics firm notes that iPhone and iPad app publishers are achieving the greatest success, with retention rates 52% higher than those on Android. The number of users who used an app just once dropped over 15% since the firm’s last study, and those who used an app more than 10 times increased from 26% to 31%.

Tech Etiquette Rules For Commuters and Travelers
As an old proverb goes, politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax — it softens us. Being respectful to fellow straphangers and travelers can make trips more pleasant for everyone and in the case of tech etiquette, a little can make a big difference. Most commuters know it’s rude to gawk or blare music. But, there are lesser-known etiquette rules that are often broken. For example, texting in the middle of pedestrian traffic and checking phones while traveling in the company others should also be avoided (for safety as well as politeness. You never know what you might run into).