Samsung Found Guilty, Fined $1 Billion for Infringing iPad, iPhone Patents
Tech Radar

A nine-member jury in San Jose, California on Friday rejected Apple's "rectangle" design patent related to the shape of the iPad, and claims that Samsung diluted trade dress for the iPad's appearance. But other than those, Apple emerged victorious after the jury found Samsung guilty of violating nearly every single claim of design and/or technology patent violations by the Galaxy Tab and Samsung smartphones. While Apple had sought upwards of $2.5 billion in damages, the jury ordered the Korean electronics giant to pay Apple (a still staggering) $1.049 billion. The jury also rejected counterclaims that Apple violated Samsung's utility patents.

What Else You Need To Know:

- The biggest violators of Apple's patents were Fascinate, Epic 4G and Galaxy S II, according to the jury's 21-page decision read by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh.

- Samsung, which is expected to appeal the decision, said Friday's verdict will lead to "fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices."

- Apple is coming back to court next month to ask Judge Koh to issue an injunction and order Samsung pull tablets and smart phones from shelves.

- Apple has current and potential cases against other Android device-makers like HTC and Motorola

Other sources

The verdict brings an end to the four-week patent trial that left spectators and the industry reeling at the inner workings of two of the world's largest tech companies. - Michelle Fitzsimmons, Tech Radar  
The verdict in this case is both a victory and a defeat for the tech world. It's a victory for those who believe in diversified design and protecting intellectual property rights. But it's a defeat that Apple was able to defend and extract damages from a patent on a gird of colorful rounded squares as an app launcher (among others). - Derek Kessler, webOS Nation  
Court officials: Apple v. Samsung jury has reached a verdict
Breaking: Reports say jurors in Apple-Samsung reach a verdict  

Most court watchers predicted the ruling would not come until next week because of the case’s complexity.

Live: Apple vs. Samsung verdict
Jury reaches verdict in Apple-Samsung trial: court officials
Breaking News: U.S. Jury Reaches Decision in Apple/Samsung Patent Case
Tech Radar
Apple vs Samsung trial: a patent attorney weighs in  

It's unusual for patent cases to get this much press. That has to do with the fact that it hits where people live - most people have one or the other of the phones [iPhone, Galaxy S, etc.] at issue.

Android Central
Apple v. Samsung v. Apple: It's almost over, only, not really
All About Symbian
Apple vs Samsung verdict reached – expect appeals  

Basically this entire drawn out and ridiculous set of lawsuits is almost over — only it isn’t. No matter what the outcome we will most certainly see an appeal from one side, if not both.

Android Central
Apple vs. Samsung US verdict is in... but we have no idea what it is yet!
Jury: Samsung infringed Apple's software patents  

On the question of inducement — in other words, did the Korean company force its US divisions to infringe — the jury ruled yes to all devices on '381, yes for all devices but the Replenish on '915, and yes for all devices but the Captivate, Continuum, Gem, Indulge, Nexus S 4G, Transform, and Vibrant on '163.
