Saudi Arabia starts tracking women electronically, sending texts to husbands when necessary
Venture Beat

Women in Saudi Arabia are now subject under a new electronic tracking system that sends text messages to their husbands if they ever attempt to leave the country. This is according to an Agence France-Press report that talks about how the system was first implemented last week. Apparently, women in Saudi Arabia cannot be allowed to leave the country without a husband's permission. And so a so-called "yellow sheet" needs to be signed first, by the husband, before women are allowed to perform any cross-border activities.

What Else You Need To Know

  • The text messages are sent to husbands by the Saudi immigration agency whenever wives or dependents attempt to fly out of the King Khaled International Airport.
  • The yellow sheets or signed permission slips still need to be signed even if a woman is flying out of the airport with the husband himself.

Other sources

Saudi Arabia is a notoriously repressive country. - John Koetsier, Venture Beat  
Venture Beat
Saudi Arabia now tracking women electronically, notifying husbands by text  

A new system implemented last week sends Saudi husbands text messages from the Saudi immigration agency when their wives are flying out of King Khaled International Airport, near Riyahd.

‘Where’s my wife?’ Electronic SMS tracker notifies Saudi husbands  

Women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.

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Women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by the government using an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements, alerting their male guardians by text if they attempt to leave the country.