Sony Xperia T pictures get posted online

The still unannounced Sony Xperia T Android smartphone stars in a gallery of live pictures first posted on The gallery shows what appears to be a final production model of the Sony Xperia T, and based on the screens it seems to be running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. On the right side of the handset, the following hardware buttons can be clearly seen: the power button, the volume up/down buttons, and a shutter key for the onboard camera app. Speaking of which, the rumored 13-megapixel camera is located near the top of the phone at the back and is accompanied by a single LED flash. It is said that Sony will officially launch Xperia T in the next few weeks.

What Else You Need To Know:

- Sony Xperia T is said to be the final production name of what was originally referred to as the Sony Xperia Mint or Sony Xperia LT30.

Other sources

For a phone with such a plain, squared-off look, the Xperia T is actually pretty smooth and contoured. - Stephen Schenck, Pocketnow  
And despite a troubled history in regards to pro-consumer policies and tendencies, we still have to give Sony some respect. They make some nice looking hardware. - Mike Norris, Gadgetsteria  
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