T-Mobile Pulls Galaxy Note After 2 Weeks

T-Mobile started offering the Galaxy Note two weeks ago for $300 but the 5-inch smartphone/tablet hybrid no longer appears on the mobile operator's website. Android Police's source claims that T-Mobile is putting the device on "end-of-life" by November 1st or earlier depending on how quickly stocks are depleted. T-Mobile could be replacing the device with the second generation Galaxy Note, which is expected to be launched by Samsung at the end of August.

What Else You Need To Know:

- The Galaxy Note was released internationally in the fourth quarter of 2011, and six months ago by other U.S. carriers.

- The Galaxy Note 2 is rumored to be bigger than its predecessor, which has a 5.29-inch touch-screen.

Other sources

Perhaps it was only now that T-Mobile came to the realization of how upset customers would feel about buying a one-year old device at a premium price when something better and faster is just around the corner. - Bams Sadewo, Android Authority  
Is T-Mobile killing the Galaxy Note two weeks after its release?  

All the signs are there for the Galaxy Note’s early demise on T-Mobile. For starter, it’s quite odd for a recently launched device that is (was?) offered for $300 to mysteriously disappear from the carrier’s website. Search as you might, you won’t find the Galaxy Note on its lineup anymore.

T-Mobile Discontinues The Galaxy Note Two Weeks After Releasing It  

As uncomely as it looks for Tmo to flip flop at this rate, it actually makes much more sense to dump the old and bring in the new. Remember, word of an even bigger Galaxy Note II is spreading around the web.