T-Mobile will only offer iPhone if price is right

T-Mobile COO Jim Alling offered up a response to all those who have been wondering why T-Mobile isn't carrying the famous Apple iPhone. Speaking at the Morgan Stanley 12th Annual Technology, Media & Telecoms Conference, Alling says that T-Mobile simply wants the "economies to be right." That is, they don't want to pay too much for iPhone, much like what AT&T and Sprint did, in order to sell it. So unless T-Mobile and Apple can work something out, a T-Mobile iPhone may never see the light of day.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Apple recently released a new version of the iPhone in the form of the iPhone 5. It now comes with a 4-inch screen that makes it taller than all of its predecessors, and it runs iOS software version 6 by default.

Other sources

T-Mobile might never get the iPhone — but in many ways, it already has the next best thing thanks to the One S. - Zach Epstein, BGR  
T-Mobile COO: We Want The iPhone, But Not If We Have To Make Sacrifices
Phone Arena
T-Mobile COO: "Make no mistake about it: We would love to carry the iPhone"  

T-Mobile USA's Chief Operations Officer, Jim Alling, has stated that their company would love to carry the iPhone, but not if that means that T-Mobile has to make certain sacrifices.

T-Mobile doesn’t want the iPhone if it means taking a huge financial hit like Sprint did  

“Make no mistake about it: We would love to carry the iPhone,” he said. “However, we want the economies to be right for us.”

Mobile Burn
T-Mobile wants to carry the iPhone but won't accept financial costs associated with the device  

T-Mobile COO Jim Alling said that his company would like to sell the Apple iPhone, but the costs to carry the device would be too high.

Cell Phone Signal
T-Mobile wont pay a lot of money for the iPhone.. just like Sprint did
T-Mobile might never get the iPhone, but it already has the next best thing
iPhone Download Blog
T-Mobile says it cannot afford the iPhone
Phones Review
T-Mobile USA & iPhone, only if price is right
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